Title: Not Always Like This
Rating: K
Prompt: "I'm not always like this, it's something I've become."
here again
Everything changed when Probe One returned with a positive sample . . . my directive has always been there, but never before had it gripped my processor so tightly. I found myself doing things I ordinarily wouldn't have, things I should have seen as wrong . . .
I stole the plant. I had Probe One seen as faulty and sent to the Repair Ward. I tazered that Wall-E unit to the point of critical malfunction, and threw him and Probe One to the garbage airlock to be disposed of. I locked my Captain in his quarters.
He was still pounding on the elevator doors when I sent my stewards out for war. The Captain's cries of "Mutiny!" just barely reached my aural sensors and for a moment it bothered me, though my directive quickly stole that feeling away.
I still managed a glance back at the elevator . . . if he would still listen to me at all, I would tell him this: I'm not always like this, Captain; it's something I've become.