Title: Strip Poker
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: G
Pairing: Mostly Gen, tiny hint of Royai
Wrote this in the comment section of a fic of mine once, and forgot about it for a while. Just inane drabble, written because someone commented about Roy and Co. playing strip poker.
Riza smirked as she laid her cards down close to the single candle in the room. )
Comments 2
1a. I also like that Ed's allowed to watch. Stripping's not okay, but voyeurism is. :D
2. I love the comment about the safety, lol
3. The bit about Havoc calling his shoes an article of clothing reminds me of the good old days when I'd claim my jewellery were clothes
4. Awww, Royai hint at the end ♥
Very fun, I liked it muchly :D
One thing, when it's magic/deceipt, it's sleight of hand, not slight of hand ^_^
Royai is cute. <3 :D And shoes is so an article of clothing. XDD Jewelery as well!! *remembers when she wore two dozen bracelets and took each of them off as she lost in strip poker* ^^;;;;;;
Oops! ^^;; Will change. :D
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