teacher came into our room yelling about how she told her class that she was born in the koren war n someone thought that was in the 90's:P she should have taken it as a complement
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reply with your name or lj username and i'll tell you something i think is neat-o about you. afterwards, copy and paste this into your own journal.
blah, parents are behind me again, far away to not see what im typing but close enough to see if i go onto messanger, not in the mood to write about my day, it was shitty
gah...lets see, feel horrible about a couple days earlier cause me n natalie had to leave lunch n it was my fault, n i could have gotten both of us in alot of trouble
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grr, mommys right behind me so i cant right about my day r go online, n talkt o him>_< a bit afraid ill get replaced:P eh ima try to get on again later
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damn it, should have eated like nat nat n carrie told me to, maybe i wouldnt feel like throwing up and i cant leave till my sister comes so where is she