May 04, 2004 17:46
Main Entry: lon·er
Pronunciation: 'lO-n&r
Function: noun
: one that avoids others; especially : INDIVIDUALIST
Apr 29, 2004 21:21
lindsey, tomorrow???
Apr 22, 2004 21:21
if you and/or other people.... aren't busy, and if you don't feel like throwing up... we should go bowling or something... whenever...
Apr 20, 2004 21:37
sick of not being happy, sick of always wondering what things could be, sick of people pretending to care, sick of being alone in the world without a care.
Apr 18, 2004 22:10
vacation sucks... so far all i've done is washed two cars, bought two books and waited for something interesting to happen.... never will. i'm to passive
Apr 08, 2004 21:23
shutting myself out from the world
Apr 02, 2004 21:36
thanks for always being there
Mar 27, 2004 22:07
biting my nails, begining to think, starting to smile...boom
Mar 26, 2004 22:40
lindsey, i am unable to look at your LJ (eww that sounds gross).. so .. if were still on for tomorrow morning, and if you actually read this.. give me a call tomorrow, i'll be awake by like 8 so yea... later