so, i dont get what the deal is, but no one likes to call me to hang out anymore. in the snap of a finger everyone has better things to do. like lisa and erica for example, it used to be us three, now its them too. wt-mother-f
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today we collected $130 for cheerleading and two car washes. then i went shopping. i got new sunglasses just like lisas, new flip flops, and three new shirts. or four. or, ya, three. & ive been online for a while.
so i'm back to using this livejournal again. which isn't a bad thing, i like it. anyway, summers sucked badly. last summer could've topped this summer in a heartbeat. i spend everyday with lisa, erica, and/or both. whichever i'm in the mood for. we never run out of things to do. ive got cheerleading camp in i think ten days? how exciting.