Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation what the word means to you and why, and than pass out letters to those who want to play along
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dear friends list, i am going to florida a.s.a.p. because ryan owes me one make out session. boy if only the trip we'd talked about months ago had worked out for this week. xxoo
dear pete wentz, i hope you feel good now that you can now ruin more lives daily than you ever thought possible. you deceitful, conniving, untrustworthy, backstabbing, spineless son of a bitch. i never thought i could hate you. probably because i never wanted to. but i'm fucking done. fuck you.
i was informed today that there was at least one person on the internet who thought one of pete's old screen names was "she is the fraud
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