Something where Sherlock has a traumatic experience and he doesn't react like a normal person. Not "He's suppressing it, but in the end he really wants to cuddle and cry", but something where he really is highly intellectual, emotionally detached, possibly sociopathic, and deeply strange, and everything about how he reacts to trauma and what helps him cope reflects that. And very much no healing cuddles and no crying.
yes, snuggles were disallowed, so strangling it is :D Plus, I don't imagine Sherlock's any better for snuggles than a high strung cat on acid, no matter how traumatized he is.
Re: FILL um...8/7ptelefoloneNovember 13 2010, 04:40:01 UTC
Oh, that was good. Very scary and real. You write the details so well, it feels just like I'm watching an episode. Especially loved poor Sherlock breaking down over the smallest thing. I've read some of your other fic too, you're a great writer. :D
Re: FILL um...8/7iachaNovember 13 2010, 20:28:50 UTC
Thanks! I'm lucky to have stumbled upon such a great fandom so early on. Usually I've missed the boat by about five years, so I'm having a lot of fun being a part of this one.
Re: FILL um...8/7
February 5 2011, 22:29:04 UTC
Ugh, god. Ugh, thank god I found this finally. I was looking for it for ages. It needs way more love. Sherlock is just so broken, and... unf it's always the one story I think of first when I think of what this meme's done for me. I adore it so much. :'( I want it to carry on forever. abisubv. You. <3
Re: FILL 7/7
January 23 2011, 09:23:19 UTC
I really like the way you describe Sherlock's mental processes. It's interesting how little he sees sometimes -- I bet John's POV would be an interesting contrast.
If it makes it any easier, this piece is archived over at my ex-secret identity, here.
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