Previous (Full) Rant Post No real directions, but this isn't a place for debate. It's a place for RANTIN' AND RAVIN'.
There is a rule: There is to be no calling out anyone by name in Rants, Chatter, or on the Meme itself. This only produces an atmosphere of animosity and it is no longer tolerated. If you see any names being ranted about, please link
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Comments 9930
This is why we can't have nice things. =(
This says good things about us as a community.
Also, goddamn mods. That was speedy.
I'm ALL ABOUT VULVA. Woo, twat. Good stuff. Juicy delicious. Silly sloppy hairy business, with a tantalizing whiff of ass if it's been a long day. Useful for storing cultured pearls and live crickets.
I am just not personally going to participate with any enthusiasm in more dutiful GO GIRLS rituals. I'm tired of taking my third wave medicine.
So: no. Not playing unless you put a little more out there. Sincerely curious? Newbie? Just a salacious perv? Want to rave about what a great time you had last night eating someone out and rant about how no one seems to give a shit about your preferred sexual activities, or how they just fetishize them and imagine you're doing them for some other bozo's benefit? Yokay. Just GIVE ME SOMETHING TO WORK WITH. Otherwise, phooey. I'm not dancing if there's no music.
But don't let me spoil your fun. On with the advice.
Imagine that!
Is there anything to make it go away?
Or run through it under hypnosis, or while otherwise not-asleep, to help tease out the issues?
You know, I used to have dreams about drowning. Years and years of them. Then, like magic: CPAP. Anything physiological or neurological going on that could trigger associative dreams? Or unresolved issues that you're aware of but try not to think about?
Well. Good luck anyway. Tres suck.
Lucid dreaming doesn't always help. I can usually wake myself up before it gets too bad, but it's still incredibly freaky.
That's really bashing the writers anyway, right? Why would they present this behavior as desirable if they weren't being idjits?
Well, I don't understand why the idea of explaining why they like something to someone who just doesn't understand and is genuinely curious, and they've explicitly stated they don't want to start a wank is so offensive to some people. Next time I see someone jump on somebody who just asked, out of curiosity, why others find something interesting I'm going to punch someone. Or punch back, because this person who ask this question might be me, since I'm a curious person incredibly fascinated by the differences between the ways in how I and other people think/experience/understand the world/universe/life/fanfiction/everything, and as far as I understand, I'm going to get punched for that. ==' *eyeroll*
I still can't see why others get so defensive when someone's just curious.
Also, I don't know who had a lot of snidiness directed at them and who didn't; if someone doesn't like to explain and analyze their interests, or talk about them, it's fine. They can just say it. I think jumping on someone who didn't actually "demand" anything but was curious and wanted to understand an opinion/kink better is a bit of an overreaction.
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