Sherlockmas 2012: SIGN-UPS

Oct 12, 2012 08:11

Sherlockmas Official Sign-up Post

The Basics!
Sherlockmas is a secret santa fic exchange for fans of the BBC's Sherlock series. (Don't let the name 'secret santa' throw you--works can be based on any winter holiday, or have no holiday theme at all! It's up to the participant to decide.)

You will have six weeks to write a fic of at least 1,000 words based on the request of the participant you've been assigned to write for. Works will then be posted anonymously for all to enjoy! Who wrote what will be revealed on 1 January.


12 October: Sign-ups Open
2 November: Sign-ups Close
5 November: Assignments Go Out
11 November: Mandatory Check-in Deadline
16 December: Fics Are Due!
17 December: Assignments Go Out to Pinch Hitters
20 December: The Twelve Days of Sherlockmas Begin!
23 December: Pinch Hits Are Due
31 December: Last Day of Posting
1 January: Author Reveals

For complete information, see the Sherlockmas 2012 Info Post.

Signing Up

To take part, copy and paste the template provided into a new comment to this post! For tips and discussion about signing up for a fest, you can read the article I wrote " How to Get the Most Out of Your Fic Exchange Experience" over at my journal.

Please avoid any character-bashing or kink-shaming in your sign-up! Keep your tone neutral to positive! This community prides itself on being both kink-positive, and gen-positive. Any and all ratings, tastes, and preferences are welcome in this fest: from G-rated fluff to NC-17 kink. General rules for requests are that they must be based on characters from BBC's Sherlock, and may not involve RPF/RPS of the actors or requests for sex featuring under-aged characters. (Under-aged characters being defined as under 18 for the purposes of this fest.) Crossovers are allowed! Please include in your sign-up the canons you're willing to read and/or write.

Prompts/stories are not required to be holiday-themed, but holiday themes are welcome! Make as many winter/Christmas/Hanukkah/whathaveyou prompts as you like.

Here is an example sign-up: (Just an example! My real sign-up will be in the comments.)

Username: apple_pathways

Receiving (This is what you want someone to write for you.)
Category: Slash or Gen please!
Preferred rating(s): G to NC-17 (i.e. Any rating!)
Characters: Sherlock, John, Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, Sally Donovan
Pairings: Sherlock/John!
Kinks and Tropes I Enjoy: I enjoy most of your mild to medium kinks, but I especially enjoy 'topping from the bottom' and playful biting/marking. For gen fics, I love kid!fic and marriage fic! Anything domestic. AUs. Zombies/werewolves. Tentacles!
Squicks, Triggers, and DNWs: I'm squicked out by saliva and triggered by non-con. I'd also prefer not to read about Moriarty.
I like these kinds of fics: Ok, I basically enjoy anything from realism to outright crack!fic! I'd love some domestic fic between Sherlock and John, possibly featuring Mrs. Hudson as the helpful/meddling landlady. I also enjoy friendship fics between the Yarders, and really enjoy stories where Lestrade is a mentor to Donovan. If you're willing to go the crack! route, maybe a crossover with Being Human?
Crossovers? Yes! Being Human, Star Trek, or Downton Abbey.
*John wants to host a dinner party. Sherlock is not helping. Mrs. Hudson is helping a bit too much!
*Sherlock/John: love bites! "A mark to show that you're mine."
*Lestrade tells Donovan about "the one that got away".*Sherlock investigates the cast from Being Human
*Christmas in 221b: Mrs. Hudson throws a Christmas party, but Sherlock suspects that not all of the gifts may be on the up and up...

Writing (This is what you are willing to write for someone else.)
Willing to pinch hit? Yes!
Categories I will write: Slash or Gen
Ratings: Any/All
Characters: Sherlock, John, Mrs. Hudson, The Yarders
Pairings: (gen-only writers, write 'none'.)
Kinks and Tropes: I'll give most kinks a try! I'm especially good with spanking, bondage, and roleplay. I love writing domestic tropes, as well as crack!fic.
I will not write: I cannot write Anderson! Or non-con. Would prefer not to write Lestrade/Sherlock. I'm also not very good at dark!fic.
This is what I like to write: I love to write plotty kink fics! I'm good at incorporating character development in with the sex. :P I also write cozy domestic fic: marriages, moving in together, kids, baking, love spats, etc. I love "buddy cop" stuff with Lestrade, Sherlock, Watson, and Donovan!
Crossovers? Yes. I can write crossovers for Being Human, Star Trek, and Downton Abbey.

Copy and paste this template into a comment:

Username: (your username)
Email: (You may PM or email me your email address if you don't want to provide it here.)

Receiving (This is what you want someone to write for you.)
Category: (Slash, Femslash, Het, Gen, Multi (Poly))
Preferred rating(s): (i.e. "NC-17", "G-only", "G to R", "Any and all!" etc.)
Characters: (list the characters you're interested in reading about.)
Pairings: (If you only want gen fic, write 'none')
Kinks and Tropes I Enjoy: (List not only kinks, but tropes like: kid!fic, apocafic, AUs, MPreg, schmoop, angst, hurt/comfort, etc.)
Squicks, Triggers, and DNWs: (What you don't want to receive. Think sensibly about what is likely to crop up, and avoid kink-shaming!)
I like these kinds of fics: (Give a general description of the kind of fic you'd like to receive.)
Crossovers? (If you would like a crossover, please provide the canons you would like to see crossed-over with Sherlock.)
Prompts: (Please provide at least three and no more than seven prompts for fics you'd like to read!)

Writing (This is what you are willing to write for someone else.)
Willing to pinch hit? Yes or no. (See note for pinch hitters at the end of the sign-up post.)
Categories I will write: Slash, Femslash, Het, Gen, Multi (Poly)
Ratings: G, PG, R, NC-17, Any/All
Characters: (Your favorite characters to write about.)
Pairings: (gen-only writers, write 'none'.)
Kinks and Tropes: (List the kinks and tropes you're willing to write.)
I will not write: (List any characters, scenarios, tropes, etc. you will not write.)
This is what I like to write: (Give a general description of your strengths as a writer, and the kind of fics you like to write.)
Crossovers? (If you are willing to write a crossover, please provide the canons you are willing/able to write crossovers for.)

Pinch Hitting

The few. The proud. The Pinch Hitters!

Pinch hitters are really what makes fests like this work! If someone has to drop out, it's crucial to have people on stand-by who are willing to put together a replacement fic in a relatively short amount of time. Pinch hitters should be worshipped as gods! (And if you sign up to be one, you will be treated with honor and thanked profusely. :D)

If you think you can pinch hit, just say "Yes" in the appropriate spot in the sign-up. (You can always say 'no' later if circumstances change!) I'll be contacting pinch hitters as the need arises, but you're likely to get your assignment around 15-17 December, and the finished fic will be due 23 December.

If you want to sign up to be a pinch hitter only, and not take part in the rest of the fest: just specify in your sign-up that you are pinch hitting only, and fill out just the "writing" part of the sign-up.

A Note On Editing Your Sign-Up

Edit your sign-up as many times as you like, up until sign-ups close on 2 November. If you can't edit your sign-up (because you don't have a paid account, or because someone has replied to it) please leave any changes/clarifications as a reply to your original sign-up. (You don't have to re-paste the whole thing over: just the section(s) you're editing.)

It's More Fun With Friends

Click to visit sherlockmas, and give the gift of Sherlock.

Copy and paste the folowing code into an entry on your journal or at your favorite comm to display our banner:">">
Click to visit , and give the gift of Sherlock.

Questions? Comments? See the Sherlockmas 2012 Info Post, or get in touch! Comment, PM, or send an email to

Happy Sherlockmas! ♥

sherlockmas 2012 sign-ups, sherlockmas 2012, !modpost

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