seriously hon, this is me two years ago. or ten years ago. and now it's not me anymore only because therapy means i'm STARTING to get a handle on why and try not to, but even so i still do that shit, just i'm starting to do it less. you have to find a therapist who'll help, but even the best therapist can't do a thing is you're not at a point in your life when you're willing to hear it. I wasn't for over eight years. it takes time and i still don't realy know what changed, only that it came very gradually. but woo avoidance as a coping mechanism -__-;;; it's a very much not-working-right mechanism in the end, srsly.
Comments 1
seriously hon, this is me two years ago. or ten years ago. and now it's not me anymore only because therapy means i'm STARTING to get a handle on why and try not to, but even so i still do that shit, just i'm starting to do it less. you have to find a therapist who'll help, but even the best therapist can't do a thing is you're not at a point in your life when you're willing to hear it. I wasn't for over eight years. it takes time and i still don't realy know what changed, only that it came very gradually. but woo avoidance as a coping mechanism -__-;;; it's a very much not-working-right mechanism in the end, srsly.
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