To begin, I'll answer a few questions. First, this is friends only, because I've decided, fact that any idiot with a computer can just read my private thoughts creeps me out. Second, I like to know who is reading this thing. And third, because I'm an elitist snob. As the thing says comment to be added, boink!
Kleptoed from Cass. Will someone please tell me how I could have scored 62 on basic but an impressive 75 on perverse? I am not kinky, not even a little bit. That is IT! No more Dr. Sure for me! Heh, better then 95% of them, huh? *scared*
You scored 62% for basic knowledge, 74% for advanced knowledge, 70% for perverted knowledge and 29% for
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Official Survivor Congratulations! You scored 77%! Whether through ferocity or quickness, you made it out. You made the right choice most of the time, but you probably screwed up somewhere. Nobody's perfect, at least you're alive.
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