goblet of fire taeyeon-centric; introduction; ~350w summary: taeyeon's name gets pulled out of the goblet of fire *a series of harry potter au related works not necessarily posted in order
i just want to say that i flailed over this like no ones business♥ i'm also glad taeyeon went to gryffindor because my weird mind thinks she should be there. i can't wait for more ;3;♥ ♥ thanks for sharing!
you're ridiculous, this wasn't even that good, for an intro too! same. i was having trouble deciding where she went but one of my friends helped me and i figure she belongs in gryffindor like this - uneasy, fumbly, and awkward ♥ LOL i won't repost this until i completely finish everything ahhhh.
even if i'm ridiculous, i think it was good, so that has to count for something, right? yeah, she's hard to place though, and i don't know why. aaah you just make me even more exciteddd ;;
this is true. she is because there are so many sides of her, which i think happens a lot with the leaders and the magnaes of the group since they have the extreme roles (along with main vocalist) hooooooooray.
jsyk, sica and yoona are slytherins, hyo and seo are ravenclaws, and sunny is with fany in hufflepuff! yeeey
i thought i commented on this! good thing i felt like rereading all the snsd fic i've always liked. ANYWAY, THERE'S A LOT OF POTENTIAL FOR A CRACK SERIES I WISH YOU'D WRITE.
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jsyk, sica and yoona are slytherins, hyo and seo are ravenclaws, and sunny is with fany in hufflepuff! yeeey
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