REPLAY 4 JAPAN fundraising auction is officially closed!
What's next?
Okay, so presumably you've won your bid and the author(s)/artist(s) have notified you in some way about it. Great! So now what you want to do is donate, because after all that's what fundraising is all about. Here are a few steps for you to follow, with some examples provided by
phasera and
Step 1 - Receive winning notice from author or artist.•
This is an example of a notification! It can also be done via PM.Step 2 - Check which organizations they've selected as preferred donation recipients.
Step 3 - (A) Make a single donation in the amount of your bid, or (B) You may combine donations if you have multiple wins and multiple bids to fill, but only if the authors/artists share a common specified charity or organization .• For example, if you bid $3 on an author and $5 on an artist and they both specified
Paypal, you can donate a total of $8 to Paypal’s Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief fund.
Step 4 - If you donate electronically, it should be emailed to you; you can screencap the on-screen confirmation or the one that is emailed to you. IMPORTANT: Please use an image editing program (Paint, Photoshop) to blur or cover up any personal information such as your address, phone number, card number, etc.•
This is an example of a screenshot of a single donation.•
This is an example of a screenshot of a combined donation.Step 5 - Once you have your proofs, please send them in an email to with the following formatting:Subject of email: "YOURUSERNAME - Replay4Japan Donation Confirmation"
Hello, this is to confirm that I've donated a total amount of (TOTAL AMOUNT) USD for the Replay 4 Japan Fundraiser. This is the list of all the donations I made:
Provide all necessary screencaps as attachments to the email. Please make sure they are clearly named and labeled.
Note: If you are donating through
Livejournal's Help Japan V-gifts, then simply link us the URL(s) of the individual gift(s). Please send each gift to the account of the author or artist, not
replaymods. These should not be anonymous gifts.
This is an example of what your email might look like.Step 6 - Send your email! Once we've recieved it, we will let you know that we've verified your donations. If there are any uncertainties or hang-ups, we will be contacting you to resolve those issues as quickly as possible.
Step 7 - Think of your requests for your authors or artists! Because once everything is good to go, the Replay mod staff will be pm'ing them with the confirmation of your donation, so they know that they can go ahead and work on the fic or art piece that is especially for you.
Step 8 - Give yourself a pat on the back, you did it! Once again, we'd like to thank everyone for supporting this fundraiser on behalf of the victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Your donations will be put to use in the service of a worthwhile cause.
Note for the participating authors and artists: When it comes time to post up the fic or art you've created at the request of your bidder(s), please tag your posts as normal, but also be sure to use the *replay4japan tag as well. Also, please comment on our
archive so we can add you to the list of participants and keep track of all the work produced through this fundraiser. Thank you!