Finally Round three is here. Welcome to round three of
shinigami_lims. Sign ups are simple, just leave your usename in a comment and I'll add you to the participant list. There is no secret password or anything, but I'd appreciate if you guys read the rules.
There will be something different in this round, themes will be provided instead of images. Banners will be handed out at the end of the round and as usual there will be around eight challenges. Sign ups will close on May 20th, or when we have 25+ participants. Extra skips will be handed out if the community is promoted~
promotion code;> border=0>
→>rules →>affiliates →>join Finally, an affiliate plug:
anime_rumble a RUMBLE community for all anime and manga out there.
001 )
jyusan002 )
lightrobber003 )
angelnomoon004 )
senbonzakura77005 )
djalina ★
006 )
kangofu007 )
samuraiblues008 )
ipsius009 )
planet_unicorn010 )
coldstofcalndrs ★
011 )
faintscribbles012 )
crescent_fall013 )
khyata014 )
teukchul015 )
katsumeragi016 )
akamikun ★
017 )
deria_hime018 )
persona_04019 )
stuffedpanda020 )
kawaii_chicken021 )
coloredpastels022 )
destitality023 )
wonkiebonky024 )
margerydaw_s2025 )