Shinn x Stellar Moodtheme

Jul 05, 2006 19:33

A moodtheme you can use on LJ (^_^)/
If anyone would like to use it, it's up for grabs!

Shinn x Stellar Moodtheme

File Info:
Size: 989 KB
Numer: 134 image files (all except 'horny' -I couldn't think of an image for that :P)
Format: JPEG, 104 x 52


This is what the complete set looks like: Preview
(If you find anything wrong with this (like "what the hell! that image has nothing to do with the mood!"), please go ahead and say.)

EDIT: Just in case there's something wrong with the links in the instructions included, here's the links again:
Crackified's instructions for paid accounts
Crackified's instructions for free accounts

Instructions of how to set up to use this (for both free and paid accounts) is included in the files (*I'm not sure how you can set it up for sponsored accounts. Probably the same instructions as the paid account?)

I won't nag about crediting myself. Instead, if you use this, could you credit shinnxstellar in your userinfo? Just something simple like 'Moodtheme by shinnxstellar' or 'Moodtheme from Shinn x Stellar Communty'. Thanks!

EDIT (can't believe I forgot to mention this (xx;)):
P.S. Special thanks to quentin_w for suggesting what to do on some moods!

Hope someone likes this~
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