May 20, 2010 18:40
Hmm, so this is what it feels like to enjoy your job... Think I'm gonna ride this emotional train as long as I can.
Work is fantastic btw, I've already made stuff I can run around in. It feels different from making levels for L4D somehow.
May 18, 2010 19:39
Don't you hate it when your tablet pen is right next to the pad, so it snaps your mouse cursor to the top corner of your monitor.
And you can't figure out why
So you reboot
And again
And again.....
And finally figure out why it's happening, like 15 minutes later.
May 16, 2010 14:24
poonuggets.. time to build a new computer. getting BSODs during memory intensive things.. i need to upgrade to win7 anyway
how come there's no memory testing software that does NOT require a bootable floppy/CD?
May 14, 2010 18:25
just accepted a junior level design position at Crystal.
Starts tuesday, really short notice. Coworkers may kill me monday.
still couldn't be happier at the moment.
May 04, 2010 22:59
i wanna buy the uncharted 2 artbook
but the shipping is literally 25% of the cost of the book...
wtf is up with that?