Summary: Aburame Shino is a straightlaced, perfect student of Tokyo University. One night on the train he suddenly finds himself responsible for a loud-mouthed drunk named Kiba. From there, he can't seem to shake Kiba off, but does he really want to?
Title: The Good Boy Author: Jamaica-tan Fandom: Naruto Pairing: ShinoKiba Genre: AU, Romance(-ish), Comedy, Angst Rating: 12 Warning(s): Kiba’s potty mouth, a dash of comedy violence Summary: Prequel to Shameless, who would have thought their very first meeting would be so random and forgettable?
Summary: Aburame Shino is a straightlaced, perfect student of Tokyo University. One night on the train he suddenly finds himself responsible for a loud-mouthed drunk named Kiba. From there, he can't seem to shake Kiba off, but does he really want to?
I'll be honest with you. This is a sex-game that takes place in a prison. If it's something you're brave enough to try, then by all means check us out! We don't open until March 22nd, and a Shino and Kiba would be welcome!
After being open since August 31st, dickeys has reached the 28 member mark. But our journey doesn't stop just yet. Oh no. We vow to take over the world with our escort talents. And we can always use more soldiers in the fight
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Author: fallen-angel-of-repression Series: Naruto Pairing: Shino/Kiba Genre: Romance/Crack Word Count: 508 Progress: Complete. Notes: T for Kiba's potty mouth. For the following:
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