Everyone, please be careful of the dangers of mistletoe. First, as it turns out, I've heard it's inedible. Even plants are inedible sometimes. Second, it is a trap. If you didn't know, mistletoe means "I will kiss you now" in I think some European language. So whenever two people stand under it, they kiss.
It's a shame Neechan isn't here.Women,
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Like, does it matter? I guess it does on some counts... but that would depend on contexts. Like it would matter if you were in a bathhouse. But you're real pretty either way... oh, but I'm a little shy around girls, you see, since I didn't grow up around them. But then, if you're a girl, it would be weird if I suddenly became shy around you, since I'm not feeling that way currently. So in that regard, it's all in my head! And if you were a boy, I might tease you more, but that's only because you're a boy; because I don't feel shy around boys. Romantically, I feel nothing towards guys, so I feel more comfortable teasing them, but when you think about it, I'm limiting myself, or something, because I think to myself, "woah, that's a boy, I don't feel romantically towards them." Of course, I wouldn't anyway because I have Neechan, but even so, that's something strange. I wonder...
Woah. It's deep.
Gender just doesn't seem that important to me, either way. It's the person that matters.
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