Something Katie failed to mention in her journal (most likely because she doesn't want to further aggravate certain friends) is that she has found herself a great guy, who obviously cares for her very much. Despite the rudeness of some of her other friends, i really hope she realizes that she deserves to be happy. I also have a few friends which
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Plant posters, bacteria posters, giant blown up photos of our "lab family," some yoga, assigning ourselves roles of different parts of the cell for fun, and new beginnings. This fall will certainly be good
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Don't feel like saying much tonight. I've got two nights to try to pass Eukaryotic so I can still graduate in December. I've also come home to find Carlton, my Beta i've had for the past year, is dying :*( We've sure been through a lot together...And it still remains hotter than hell in my apartment. Oh well, at least I can remedy one of those
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If you think having the name of a bacteria as the subject of an entry is odd or disturbing, you must not know me very well. And you should probably stop reading now. Actually this has nothing to do with work or school, where i find bacteria most interesting, but with the curse that has plagued me ever since i can remember: the bladder infection
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Its really baffling to me that it is already the end of June. I thought summers went by quickly at home, but this one is seemingly non-existant. I suppose it could be because I am busy every day or maybe because every year really does go by quicker than the last. Oh well
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