Title: Age 24 Author: shou_ni Pairing: ToraxShou Rating: NC- 13 Genre: Romance, Angst-ish, Fluff, Disclaimer: I dont own anyone, just the story. Summary: Life isn't always fair.
Lord...I CANT HOLD ALL THESE FEELS!!!!! hdsjfakhjskal!!!
This was short and sweet and so very beautiful. I took a little break from my own Tora Shou piece writing to read this and i am so glad I did. Its lovely, and this style really works for you, so well done all around. I really, really loved this, thank you! xoxo
Thank you ;3; You're writing a new one? aaahh I want to read it. I'm really really glad you liked it, I was worried that it would be a flop. Thank you xox
Yeah its a oneshot, and its angsty, and I really hope I get to finish it tonight *sighs* I also posted this crossover Tora fic THAT IS NOT GETTING ANY LOVE, AT ALL XDDDDD Seriously lol, its almost embarrassing (but I think it all has to do with the fact that I can't post on A9_yaoi anymore, for some reason...blergh)
But this is not a flop at all, its really lovely :D
I love how Tora only wants to listen to Shou's voice reading to him and not some random dude in the cassette tape. To be honest, who doesn't? Shou's voice is <3. I can listen to him everyday.
Tora's voice on the other hand...lol! I dunno, when he does the hosting on niconico....Kekekeke. Sorry.
Anyway, this fic is so cute. Just woke up actually, and it's good to read something like this :)
It'd be pretty cool if Shou made audio books, he could read any old shit and make it sound amazing. Tora however.. should probably stick to comedy lolol. Thank you, and good morning. Thanks for commenting. ^^
Comments 21
This was short and sweet and so very beautiful. I took a little break from my own Tora Shou piece writing to read this and i am so glad I did. Its lovely, and this style really works for you, so well done all around. I really, really loved this, thank you! xoxo
Thank you ;3; You're writing a new one? aaahh I want to read it. I'm really really glad you liked it, I was worried that it would be a flop.
Thank you xox
But this is not a flop at all, its really lovely :D
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Glorious. <3
Thanks for stopping by to comment.
Tora's voice on the other hand...lol! I dunno, when he does the hosting on niconico....Kekekeke. Sorry.
Anyway, this fic is so cute. Just woke up actually, and it's good to read something like this :)
Tora however.. should probably stick to comedy lolol.
Thank you, and good morning. Thanks for commenting. ^^
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