Title: Heart Shaped Clock. Author: shou_ni Pairing: Rukix??? Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance, Angst, Fluff, Smut-ish Disclaimer: I dont own anyone, just the story.
whoa!!!!! i knew it!!!! when i read that part saying you had written a new couple, i have a feeling it would be this two... you have put mild hints on the chapter *or so i think* this is so cute... i can already imagine it my head, miyavi and ruki taking those photos... *giggle*
what an adorable bonus you have given us.... i can't help but be taken in by these story.... ohhhhh! i really love you so much!!!! i know i can never tell you how happy i am reading your works but please accept my heartfelt thank you for updating and for this adorable pairing!!!!! *hugs*
Comments 9
Thanks for reading.
now if shou was added to this mix, I'd die. My OT3 kekeke
thanks for reading.
There was a miyavi/shou/ruki fic titled "Dirty" somewhere in lj, but I couldn't find it anymore. Sucks. It was really hot. ^^
what an adorable bonus you have given us.... i can't help but be taken in by these story.... ohhhhh! i really love you so much!!!! i know i can never tell you how happy i am reading your works but please accept my heartfelt thank you for updating and for this adorable pairing!!!!! *hugs*
I'm really pleased that you like it. I'll keep your heartfelt thank you in my mind forever, but I should be thanking you for reading *hugs*
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