Nov 22, 2005 12:28
Today has been a wonderful day so far.
I will update later! ♥♥♥♥
Nov 17, 2005 23:27
I can't wait to go to the movies! Yue-kun, Sou-kun. Ano, who else is going? I forget ;-;
Scary scary! *_*
Nov 14, 2005 09:48
AHHHHHHHHH. *rubs eyes and looks around*
How is everyone doing? I am good, a bit bored and alittle lonely.
I'm alittle hungry too! ;-;
I think I will make something to eat now, before I starve ;-;
Nov 06, 2005 12:57
*dances around*
I am very very bored.
Someone come play with me~~ (>,<)/
Things have been going good, it make me happy happy!
I need to make a pretty layout (_-_)
*hops off to eat Takkun*
Nov 04, 2005 22:18
*smiles* Hello,
My first post in my journal.
Today was a long day, and it's only 11 AM .... XPPPPP
Everyone is missing and I am sad. I sit here and wait for phonecalls but no one calls! ;____;
MAYBE I TAKE A NAP!!! ^-^ <333333