Title: So, So Romantic
Category: Super Junior
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rating: G/PG-13
Characters: Ryeowook, Yesung, and others
Pairings: Henwook-ish
Summary: Ryeowook ponders on whether or not to confess to Henry while Yesung eggs him on.
Chapter 1
Ryeowook glares. )
Comments 3
I love his creepy side *o*
Never knew Wookie could be this... evil(?). lol o3o
Don't food poison Hae~ Hyukkie would be sad and that would make me bery sad cause my hubby is sad. ;^;
“I only left some hints to Donghae and Kibum, they did the rest on their own. They are quite brutal when they really want something bad.”
I want to know how things went... 8D
and does this mean it's OT3? KiHaeHyuk? :3
I'm going for jealous!Ryeowook in this story. Just because it seems like it would be funny.
And yes, I love KiHaehyuk the most, if that answer your question.
I might expand on that, if I actually get to finish this story.
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And Ryeowook likes Henry in this story.
I'll write more soon~ ^_^
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