Title: Circles
shurikenwielderDisclaimer: Don't own 'em
Chapter: Part 1
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character death
Pairing: ReitaxRuki, ReitaxUruha
Genre: Drama, Angst
Summary: What if I believe you now? Could it ever change this harrow? Would we ever stop chasing each other in these endless circles?
Part 1 )
Comments 7
This was absolutely... breathtaking.
Love angst.
I mean, the last part got me to cry. I felt bad for Reita, but, y'know, karma came back on him.
While what Ruki was feeling and doing is understandable; its almost cruel.
But, I loved it nonetheless. It made my night absolute. I needed a little angst because I've been slightly sick, so, I enjoyed this very much.
I am definitely looking forward to a possible 2nd part ^^
Thank you so much for this! It is phenomenal and I can't wait for the other part(s)!! ^___^
I don't think it's depressing story,well I know it the start.>.< ruki is so kind and make me afraid.
I would like to see more of this as well. :)
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