Jun 07, 2006 21:32
I just picked up some ant traps. The war against the antz of the world will be won yet!
Jun 06, 2006 09:51
I have an infestation of ANTZ in my room. They're crawling all over my desk and up and down my computer. Ah I just killed one. jujuji... that was me killing another one on the keyboard.
Jun 04, 2006 16:13
I have been buying a lot of bad cds lately. No one should ever let me handle their money.
Jun 03, 2006 01:28
Who thinks its ok to use the phone in a dorm bathroom? This is such a deplorable action.
May 28, 2006 03:07
Dance recitals with little girls are really the best form of birth control. Anyone who has to sit through one will surely never want to have to take one of those little bastards home if they don't already own one.
May 26, 2006 20:09
I was about to post something complaining about work from work, but I don't really know how to make it interesting and I need more caffine.