Hey now you guys can check out my my space ....and if you have a myspace and your from CV then you can join my brothers Group CV 99-07 thats his group and Im at http://profiles.myspace.com/users/1475899
well today i got up around 3 in the morning and I couldnt move my arm... :( and I know what your thinking ...oh it just feel asleep and blah blah blah....but I waited and waited and nothing ...so i thought its the end of the world .....then i woke up......I knew it was a dream.... silly David
well I think Im gonna start this live journal with a promise ...I will never ever leave my car unlocked!!! my car git broken into and all my racing stuff got jacked and my stereo stuff got jacked and the cracked my windshield and broke alot of stuff ...ill post the pictures soon....but heres to my car......Cheers....