just got your calls, been at work until just now. not returning your calls as its 4 in the morning and dont wanna wake you. weekends are bad for me. i'll probably be working tomorrow night as well, which means im gonna be sleeping for the majority of tomorrow. maybe sometime during the week will be better?
Not much to say. But I finally I have a weekend night off, the first one in two months. I'm feeling quite good this past week. Here's why
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Today my best friend steve's baby was born. Rushing to the hospital in the iddle of the night and sitting in a waiting room for 8 hours and scary complications was all worth it. she's so beautiful. and im exhausted.
driinks had: too many to count. girls i kissed: one too few fights not had: all entertaining conversations had: many how much ill remember tomorrow: none <3
also.... welcome lester. newest lj friend.id write a more entertaining post, but you can imagine my condition.