A ferocious lightning strike during a storm last month took out a bunch of hardware here. I had power surge protectors on everything, but this apparently hit the phone line. It fried the modem and bounced through the network ports to take out the motherboard in Cot's hackintosh and a router being used as an access point. Not content in stopping
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quessir gave me an old 8800 GTS last year. I've been scrounging together the parts for a secondary PC recently and unearthed it, only to find that it was suffering from colourful but intrusive stripes down the display. Other symptoms included alien hieroglyphs on the BIOS screen and windows being unable to install/update drivers. After doing some reading1
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Considering picking up a Seagate 3TB 3.5" SATA-600 7200rpm 64MB. I was going to install it in the G4 fileserver, but then wondered if using an external case for it with my MacBook Pro and only hooking it up to the G4 for backups would be a better (faster & quieter) option. I have a few enclosures already but there's a catch
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I randomly came across one of my old journal entries while searching for something else online. (It seems I still don't use google as a verb.) I actually made it to a UCC meet last week. The 5th annual tournament is coming up and I've been getting back into the habit of playing - a combination of turn based online games and weekly local ones. Cobh
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nabnerd and I started tipping away at the vaguest outline of a framework for a Go engine over the summer. I've been playing on KGS a little this week and decided to try setting up a bot last night.
For reference, I used this old guide for windows. I was going to keep the steps in parallel to those listed there but realized that it meanders
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tycondrius recently gave me an old G4, which has me revisiting some kind of network storage solution. This led me to dig out some old notes that I never got around to posting for some reason. I figured that I'd get these out of the way before drafting one for the new machine...