Mar 23, 2006 17:01
Nothing happens at school... I mean I only learn in 2nd period and the rest of the day I just kind of sit there..
I killed an ant yesterday.. I was trying to feed him and he ate part of my cheerio and then he died.
Dec 20, 2005 12:08
heres things that probably arent good
1. when smoke starts coming out of the electric mixer like crazy
2. when you are driving and hear a loud pop and suddenlt the tire isnt working anymore
yeah neither of those are good.
May 04, 2005 17:23
Yeah.. I am sick of all the stupid AP exams.. We finished the statistics one at 4:40.. I think i did miserably because i didnt know jack squat about what i was doing.. Maybe if I am lucky I'll do well in some magical parallel universe...Anyways I am soo bored. At least we don't have a final exam in the three AP classes..
Apr 26, 2005 12:28
RAWW. So anyways i am at school and i am bored.. and um... i like rice roll sushi.. SO at school it is Bonus day tuesday and we are watching FUTURAMA.. so um.. tommorow we ahve that stupid field trip thing. I dont think i can borrow my brothers suit so i have to wear stupid girly slothes..
Apr 16, 2005 23:08
Hey yo... Its like 11:10 and i am super bpred... i am also really wired and jsut liek going nuts... so yeah.. um... still here/.// jsut reamblinmg// had way to much coffee again./.. Mergh wel lthat all bye
Apr 10, 2005 15:34
I am so friggin stupid
I have a stupid college account thing right but
first i forget my stupid login name
then i forget my password
then i also forget the stupid answer to the stupid secret question..