So tonight in one of my RP sessions my players discovered a strange safe. Small enough to be carried in both hands made from bronze and crystal. Inside of it were two of my players most prized possessions. Two very expensive and super rare books on magic
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So I said I wasn't going to buy Pokemon Black or White and yet Sunday morning after waking up feeling all depressed and alone. I decided to go into Lewisham, then whilst wandering I ambled into Game
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So I have had Monday and Tuesday off! Inso has been ill so he was off yesterday too so it was nice to spend the time with him! I seemed to spend all my weekend doing housework of some kind or another! Laundry mostly and washing up!
Was a nice relaxing couple of days however and now I am off to Tesco to buy something for lunch and for dinner
Scott Pilgrim -- Go see this movie, if you've not seen it yet go see it asap. Can't believe i took this long to see it. I'm already planning to go again next week. I want to froth about it but don't want to spoil it. So... Go now, go see it.
Also off to Sweden today with Huksyteer, Back on Sunday see you all soon!