Title: Carry on This Way Pairing: Kris/Adam Word count: 3700 Rating: NC-17 Summary: “I don’t expect to pick up where we left off,” Kris said. (PWP) Warnings: Angst Disclaimer: Pure imagination. No disrespect intended.
This is breathtakingly beautiful, omg. I feel like writing an essay about what they feel but don't say, and yet, at the end, everything important is spoken in a few perfect words.
You are hands-down my favorite writer for this pairing. I love this story, everything about it, every little detail, from the first line to the last and all the lines in between.
Even the leg-spreading part, which had seemed potentially like a concession, more so than letting another person inside him. Neither makes him feel weak, or submissive, or anything but grateful for what he can receive, and what he can give in return....Kris catches him and hugs him tight, and if his eyes are wet, well, that doesn’t make him less of a man either.
Wonderful and overwhelming.
Adam rocks a little, testing. Kris moves with him, and the last piece of the revelation falls into place. You’re just you, nothing special, and then you meet someone and you’re put in context. You’re one side of an equation, half of a balance: your instinct and his introspection, your deadpan and his overflowing laugh, your three-dollar belt and his rhinestone handcuffs. Your body and his body. I actually gasped, reading this. There isn't a note that didn't ring true
( ... )
Comments 17
Love your work so much!
Even the leg-spreading part, which had seemed potentially like a concession, more so than letting another person inside him. Neither makes him feel weak, or submissive, or anything but grateful for what he can receive, and what he can give in return....Kris catches him and hugs him tight, and if his eyes are wet, well, that doesn’t make him less of a man either.
Wonderful and overwhelming.
Adam rocks a little, testing. Kris moves with him, and the last piece of the revelation falls into place. You’re just you, nothing special, and then you meet someone and you’re put in context. You’re one side of an equation, half of a balance: your instinct and his introspection, your deadpan and his overflowing laugh, your three-dollar belt and his rhinestone handcuffs. Your body and his body. I actually gasped, reading this. There isn't a note that didn't ring true ( ... )
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