Apr 29, 2010 12:16
I didn't pass the written portion of my test yesterday, so I didn't get to do the practical portion. I has a sad. But I do get to retake it next month sometime. At least I'll have more time to study.
Apr 27, 2010 09:55
Work has been nuts. I love it, but this week is nuts. A bunch of us have to take a test tomorrow, to be certified by their standards. I am freaking out! Everyone says I'll do fine, because I'm certified in my field. But I just don't know. I am trying to stay positive. If anyone can spare some encouragement, I'd really appreciate it!
Apr 24, 2010 22:32
I must say, sometimes people come into your life that you instantly love. It's so very rare, but so strong when it happens. It's like a moth to a flame, you cannot resist. Someone has entered my life like this. I can't help but feel nothing but love, joy, and peace when I talk to her.
I'm so grateful to have this person in my life.