Feb 19, 2022 12:00
- Fri, 21:28: So apparently @ googlephotos on iOS is designed to prevent you from managing your account unless you let it have access to your iOS photos even when it doesn’t need that access at all. Yet another reason to stop using @ Google
Oct 24, 2021 12:00
- Sun, 06:15: Seriously disliking the new @ googledrive desktop client. I've been waiting for an ls command to complete for 2 freaking hours at this point, not to mention it trashed my home folder and broke several scripts both local and in my app scripts...
Jul 15, 2021 12:00
- Wed, 14:38: Thanks @ pizzahut for changing the password on an account I had literally just changed the password on YESTERDAY! Morons… And people wonder why I prefer @ Dominos these days. It’s stupid things like this.
Jan 27, 2020 12:00
- Mon, 02:53: What the heck?! Everyone with a Cox connection on an IRC server I host just had their connections shit the bed ..