A short rant about TVD fandom that contains spoilers for the new episode but doesn't really talk about the episode at all. This isn't related to anyone on my friend's list. Just had to vent. You know how that goes.
gratuitous TVD venting with spoilers from 3x10 )
Comments 22
I stumbled across an anti-Elena post on tumblr for the first time the other day that implied Elena hate was like a common thing online and all I could do was boggle at that. I get people not liking Damon (although personally he's one of my faves from the show even if I should apparently feel ashamed of that according to that latest bit of meta about bad boy woobies going around), but Elena? WTF.
oh well, I feel better after venting now. There are lots of good things about this fandom. The haters can't ruin it for me. :)
Side note; I did wonder why Jeremy didn't ingest Vervain straight away after almost getting turned into roadkill.
I know, right?! The first thing I would have done would be to chug some. I'd be like GIVE THE VERVAIN. GODDAMN IT VERVAIN ME PEOPLE.
I don't watch TVD. I recognize the names, but I couldn't tell you which vampire was which. I do, however, know a little something about fandoms that lose their shit over stuff like you're describing. (Someone posted a story in SPN very recently where one of the 'warnings' was for "that bitch Cassie". o_O)
You have my sympathies w/ the stupid :)
(that bitch Cassie what? ahahahaha. oh, FANDOM.)
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