This post is for desiringmachine, whose nudging and prodding have inspired me, at least for this evening, to post photos from ye old shindiggery tonight.
Funny in all the other pics David looks uncharicteristicly like a trucker, or farmer, or some type of rough-handed fixin' your FORD F250 type. Then miraculously he transforms into the gogle wearin' samuri we've all come to know and love. Maybe that's what he's up to in the far above pic... waiting for a moment, when no one is watching, to transform from mild mannored beer jockey into the super flying (well almost flying) samuri.
Thanks for a rockin Bar-B-Que, Munki! You were a gracious and saucy host as usual. We left stuffed to the gills and have been feasting on leftovers ever since.
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