*YAWN* i'm so sleepy...but i'm supposed to be at my friends apartment in like 30 min to take him to get an application for a job. it'd be kind of pointless to go to sleep now
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i didn't notice until last night just how sad all of us are...it is like we've lost our personalities....not quite, but yeah...i can't explain it. i've been around those people almost every day for the past 2 months. i love them all...really i do. but just sitting around an apartment with 2 people playin video games and everybody else just watching
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~lately i've been tryin to deal with a lot of shit going on... ~sometimes i remind myself that i need to do things for myself first before trying to help out others... ~i've realized that humans can never really be pleased
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i want out of my fucking house!!! you'd think that since i'm 18 my parents would be more lenient...but no. they are being even more strict than ever...apparently since i didn't get home until 3:30 this morning i'm "irresponsible". what bull shit. don't get pissed off at me because i'm the only child left in the house. and i told them when i get a
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it is 5:30 in the morning, yet i've still not gone to sleep, so i'm still referring to today as being wednesday...try not to get confused
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i feel the need to make something very clear: if you don't know something is a fact, ask before saying it to other people. i'm fucking sick of my "friends" just assuming something and then instead of asking to see if their assumptions are true, they just start telling everybody it is true. i'm not in high school anymore...i don't even talk to these
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GOD, Grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, COURAGE to change the things I can, and WISDOM to know the differencei start clayton tomorrow...still don't want to go...hopefully that'll all change when i get there and get going and in the swing of things...lets hope so
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