I will get off my tuckus someday and visit you and your old lady. I will bring the book too, as I'm sure you're seething in resentment about it, seeing as how I live, what, 2 blocks from you? But, I'm lazy, see.....
I've thought a lot about my book, Lane. :) But I can't "seeth in resentment" when I still have a Tenacious D cd that I borrowed from one Crystal Hutton some 2 even years ago. Not that I wouldn't like it back immediately, it's just... I'm lazy too, seeeeeeeee? :P
I am glad you can commiserate with me on this. Although, admittedly, there was more reasons than laziness involved in the lack of returning Tenacious D, right? :P (Not that that bothers me in the least.) However, as we have mutual good will and respect, rest assured that it is mere procrastination on my part that ensures that you are not seeing The Haunting, but will see it sometime in the near future :D
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