Title: The Fifth Act
Rating: T for violence.
Summary: FFVII Time-travel. Gen. Cloud has an accident with a Time Materia.
Author's Note: This chapter was a pain in the neck to get right during editing, but in the end, I've become a little fond of it. ^_^ Hopefully you like it too.
Previous Chapter (
Chapter 26 )
Comments 43
Yes, because of this chapter, I sympathize with Angeal once again.
Its just so sad how the trio is breaking apart all over again, just like in crisis core (except this time, Angeal's the one leaving instead of Genesis)
Three friends go into battle. One is captured, one flies away... - I love how this parallels to what's happening.
On a lighter note, I like how Sephiroth is all clueless about everything. It's just so... cute. ^__^ He seems so innocent and all =3
Just to clarify, the next update is on Sunday, right? (Valentine's day!!! XD)
Indeed, next update is on Sunday! Work's been kicking my ass ever since I returned from travels, so I don't think I can realistically return to the old schedule in the near future. (Valentine's Day again already? Yay, that means hordes of Valentine's Day-themed fics! :D)
(I'm suddenly tempted to get myself a sephiroth plushie and hug it like a teddy bear =3)
Hollander KO'd, only one more scientist to go! Though I honestly am still wishing that the reason why Hojo's body hasn't been found is because he got eaten. But where would Cloud be, then?
nzdgfkjad so was not expecting a new chapter today. Totally made my day, especially after a long day of doing projects and assignments and being forced to go to mass.
Why not expecting a chapter? It's Sunday! I'll be sure to let you guys know whenever the schedule changes. (Which admittedly, it has been doing a lot for the past five chapters.)
Oww, being forced to go to mass. I remember going through that too. My deepest sympathies.
Mass was kinda alright. Sure beats having threats of "you will burn in helllllll!" muttered at you/your general direction every minute, then a small lecture every hour or so about mass, the love of God, why being catholic is the only religion that will get you to heaven and believers of other shizz like SDA, Baptist, Born Again, Islam, etc etc. will go to hell (nevermind that they don't know a single thing bout those other religions). I miss my old earphones. My new ones just don't cancel out voices as good. /end minirant
What's more liekly tho is that he was flanked with the ever faithful, ever po-faced Turks. If so, I'm going to have to slap some bitches.
Just saying.
I don't think ANYONE does, really.
Or maybe they're way less tight knit than this and I'm making mountains out of molehills. I'm not really aware of the Turks characterisation in FFVII.
That said, the entire fandom agrees with you, so you're probably spot on.
And um, the next chapter links are missing for 17 and 22.
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