Title: The Fifth Act
Rating: T for violence.
Summary: FFVII Time-travel. Gen. Cloud has an accident with a Time Materia.
Author's Note: So we finally reach the end! This chapter is really long, longest yet by far, which normally says to me that I haven’t been brutal enough with my editing machete yet, but I did say it would be out today, and god
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Comments 151
I'm pretty sure that if I hadn't found this fic until today (I've been lurking for a while now...), and there was a gigantic paper due tomorrow that I hadn't finished yet, I'd definitely opt to pull an all-nighter trying to read this fic in one go, and just accept a bad grade on the paper :) It's just that interesting. But now I have no idea what to fill this void in my life with...
I suppose there is no better time to delurk than on the last chapter. ;) Thanks for reading, and glad you liked it.
I... I will never look at FFVII time-travelling fics the same way again. In fact, I will never look at all FFVII fic the same way again. If there is some kind of formula to making fics so awesome and epic and fan-fucking-tastic you have just fucking nailed it with this story of ultimate win. Really, I am serious about this. You have managed to appeal to practically everybody in the FFVII fandom. You've even managed to have yaoi fangirls rave about all the blatant gay subtext and not so slash-inclined people thank you for the lack of gayness in the same chapter. I have no idea how you have managed to do that. Just so much awesome.
I-I-I'm just so ridiculously glad that everything has turned out SO WELL. I could probably quote 182740923 lines here and add a paragraph or two of additional raving for every single quoted line, but the comment prolly won't ( ... )
It has been a kind of interesting cross-section of readers! But really, the only secret to pleasing both the slash lovers and the gen fans is to keep it as canon as possible. ;) What you can see with your slash goggles in canon works in fandom too...
SQUARE WON'T EVER LET US HAVE A HAPPY ENDING. This is why I wrote this alternative. :| Zaaaaaaaaaack. ;____; Oh man, Crisis Core left emotional scars. Aeris did too, but I can't rule out that being because she took so much great equipment with her.
Whoops, good spotting with Cosmo Canyon, must have had Dissdia on the brain... Fixed!
^_^ That was a very generous praise, thank you. I really have enjoyed all of your comments and slashy flailings throughout.
Comment will be left when I'm done! I'm not reading this chapter until I'm done w/ the rest. lol
I seriously didn't think anyone would be that bothered by the Angeal wolf-clone's status so long as it was left alive, so I didn't bother writing about it. XD Clearly this was a mistake! I should have known. It's turned into the Karupin of this story. Let's just say it hangs around like an intelligent stray and mooches food off all the SOLDIERs and Clouds indebted to it.
Thank you, and thank you for all of your comments, too! As for what's next, who knows! I'm taking it easy for a few weekends, then maybe I'll start looking at some shorter fics in the fandom.
Also, I absolutely adore your portrayal of Areis/Aerith :3
But I don't want the story to end! D:
thanks for this wonderful fic, truly. definitely rereading this sometime again.
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