Title: Kumo (Clouds) Pairing: Hiyo/Mari, but a great deal of the rest of the boys, as usual. Series: Coping Methods #3 For: typhoid_mary, for giving me Mari in the first place
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...some of us need sleep, you know. I'm still hearting at you madly, though, and growing less coherent with every moment. If you haven't written an ending for Mari and don't foresee yourself doing so, I understand, but if you ever get the urge to write it, you have a cheering section. This has been great. (...actually, I think it's been the best fourth of July ever, so far.)
And the concept of Hiyoshi wishing for gekokoju EVERY DAMN YEAR kills me. Though oddly when I saw that Mari was wishing for serenity, my mind went to the comic/parody version of the prayer "God grant me the serenity..." You know, the one that ends... "and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they seriously pissed me off." *snickers*
Also loved Atobe telling her she can't leave the fanclub for another man. *giggles* She so owns them all.
But... but... this can't be the end! I want to see the fic where they finally get TOGETHER!!! *stares at you imploringly* Come on... just ONE more... please?
there is going to be another one, where Hiyoshi and Mari get together, right? right? you wrote them too cute for them to not get their own happy ending. ~puppy eyes~ PLEASE?
Thank you ....er. ^^; *laugh* I, uh, actually wasn't planning to write anything more, but... I'll, uh... try? (I really shouldn't make promises like that...)
Comments 28
*snuggles down to read*
And the concept of Hiyoshi wishing for gekokoju EVERY DAMN YEAR kills me. Though oddly when I saw that Mari was wishing for serenity, my mind went to the comic/parody version of the prayer "God grant me the serenity..." You know, the one that ends... "and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they seriously pissed me off." *snickers*
Also loved Atobe telling her she can't leave the fanclub for another man. *giggles* She so owns them all.
But... but... this can't be the end! I want to see the fic where they finally get TOGETHER!!! *stares at you imploringly* Come on... just ONE more... please?
I'm fully prepared to beg more, btw. I <3 Mari like whoa.
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