Title: Kumo (Clouds) Pairing: Hiyo/Mari, but a great deal of the rest of the boys, as usual. Series: Coping Methods #3 For: typhoid_mary, for giving me Mari in the first place
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I love you. I love this story. I love Mari and Hiyoshi (OMGosh! he was *so* flirting with her and *she* didn't even notice! LOL hanging around Atobe *way* too much!); and I love Jiroh, and I, well, I fangirl Yuushi, but, hee hee... ^__^;; Yeah.
[blinks] oh my goodness... Tanabata is this week >.< D'oh. I'll be at the Interactive Forum on the 7th :\ Still [grins]
Oh, I *do* so hope inspiration bites you and prods you into write one, two, thirty more fics--for Mari and Hiyoshi and for Hyotei in general...
(OMGosh! he was *so* flirting with her and *she* didn't even notice!
*blinks at the story* You know, I never thought about that... *laugh!* Maybe he was--you just never know what those characters are going to do when you're not looking...
*laugh* You know, so many people have been asking for more Mari that I'm starting to hope inspiration bites me soon... thank you so much, hon!
(OMGosh! he was *so* flirting with her and *she* didn't even notice!
Maybe he was--you just never know what those characters are going to do when you're not looking...
Hmmm... I wonder when Hiyoshi started realizing he had feelings for Mari? When did he first really *notice* her? I mean, as more than just one of Atobe's fanclub? When did he start to respect her as a person? When did he first miss her when she wasn't there or was late for something? When did he first wonder what it would be like if they kisses? How did he find out she "used to" like him? Who slipped? or who was talking when they didn't know (or did know) he was in listening distance?
Maaa... all these questions and no answers [pouts] kinda makes me sad and my head hurt, ne? ^__^;;
The probably with the PoT universe is that there are only two really strong female characters---Seigaku's coach and Tachibana Ann. :/ And so many pretty, pretty boys...
^^; I hate to say this, but... yes, this is the last of the Mari fics (unless a miracle happens and I write more...) But it means so much to me that people like her--especially considering that she's SUCH an OC! ^__^
*laugh* Of course. (I'm a bad person--how long has it been since I answered comments?) And I'm sorry you had a hard time finding the stories--I sat on both of them for awhile, because I was feeling insecure about them, and so I posted them out of sequence. ^^;
Only just discovered you fics a couple days ago and been spending every single in-front-of-the-computer moments catching up since.
But damn, you make reading in the office difficult, there's only so many innocent excuses I can make for the random giggling / muffled squeeing I can make in a week XD
*prays for the miracle that this will NOT be the last Mari fic, 'coz I really, really adore her as much as (if not more, sometimes) any of the Hyotei boys*
*laugh* Well... as of today, it was the last HiyoMari fic. Was hopefully being the operative, though.
You picked a really good time to want more--I haven't written anything PoT for three years, but it seems that I am, well... writing again, much to my own chagrin. ^^ Thank you for liking dear Mari, though, and cheering her on! ^^
Comments 28
[blinks] oh my goodness... Tanabata is this week >.< D'oh. I'll be at the Interactive Forum on the 7th :\ Still [grins]
Oh, I *do* so hope inspiration bites you and prods you into write one, two, thirty more fics--for Mari and Hiyoshi and for Hyotei in general...
*blinks at the story* You know, I never thought about that... *laugh!* Maybe he was--you just never know what those characters are going to do when you're not looking...
*laugh* You know, so many people have been asking for more Mari that I'm starting to hope inspiration bites me soon... thank you so much, hon!
Maybe he was--you just never know what those characters are going to do when you're not looking...
Hmmm... I wonder when Hiyoshi started realizing he had feelings for Mari? When did he first really *notice* her? I mean, as more than just one of Atobe's fanclub? When did he start to respect her as a person? When did he first miss her when she wasn't there or was late for something? When did he first wonder what it would be like if they kisses? How did he find out she "used to" like him? Who slipped? or who was talking when they didn't know (or did know) he was in listening distance?
Maaa... all these questions and no answers [pouts] kinda makes me sad and my head hurt, ne? ^__^;;
The probably with the PoT universe is that there are only two really strong female characters---Seigaku's coach and Tachibana Ann. :/ And so many pretty, pretty boys...
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Actually, most of the time the order doesn't really matter too much--I think, anyway. In any case, thank you so much for reading, and for enjoying!
But damn, you make reading in the office difficult, there's only so many innocent excuses I can make for the random giggling / muffled squeeing I can make in a week XD
*prays for the miracle that this will NOT be the last Mari fic, 'coz I really, really adore her as much as (if not more, sometimes) any of the Hyotei boys*
She's so...AWESOME. But yes, I shall stop spamming your comments XD but proceed to agonize for a few days about the lack of HiyoMari. XD
You picked a really good time to want more--I haven't written anything PoT for three years, but it seems that I am, well... writing again, much to my own chagrin. ^^ Thank you for liking dear Mari, though, and cheering her on! ^^
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