Title: Kumo (Clouds) Pairing: Hiyo/Mari, but a great deal of the rest of the boys, as usual. Series: Coping Methods #3 For: typhoid_mary, for giving me Mari in the first place
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Wahh, the last HiyoMari fic... I liked the little detail about the fold-over in the obi -- whenever I've had one tied on, it always had that cool little fold thing.
I enjoyed it. Even if they didn't do anything. Are you getting more ideas for a continuation? Mari needs a happy ending! Or write something from Hiyoshi's point of view, since we only see a little bit of it in Kumokasumi. Something about her growing on him, maybe Or should I just go back and read them all again?
Well, you could go back and read them all again, should you so desire... or alternatively, you could wait the hopefully not-too-long until I finish the Mari story I'm working on now, and post both it and the one that comes after it? *laugh*
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Comments 28
I liked the little detail about the fold-over in the obi -- whenever I've had one tied on, it always had that cool little fold thing.
I enjoyed it. Even if they didn't do anything.
Are you getting more ideas for a continuation? Mari needs a happy ending! Or write something from Hiyoshi's point of view, since we only see a little bit of it in Kumokasumi. Something about her growing on him, maybe Or should I just go back and read them all again?
Well, you could go back and read them all again, should you so desire... or alternatively, you could wait the hopefully not-too-long until I finish the Mari story I'm working on now, and post both it and the one that comes after it? *laugh*
I'll probably do both -- after all, I am on summer vacation right now.
I mean, the mincing? the watermelon?
I can't wait until you get back from Honduras, and write more.
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I'm so need this magic program! It's can break captchas automatically! Activate accounts via email automatically too! Absolutely great software! Help me!
And did you hear news - price for XRumer 5.0 Palladium will grow up to $540 after 15 may 2009... And XRumer 2.9 and 3.0 - too old versions, it's cant break modern catpchas and cant break modern anti-bot protections. But XRumer 5.0 Palladium CAN!!!!
So help me for download this great program for free! Thanks!
Gekokujou? All the little helping touches?
It reminds me why I like Mari so much.
Jirou's totally on to something -- about her being too busy in the new school year to get revenge on him.
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