So, I got all this cool feedback - and where am I? Stuck trying to get the final 20 pages or so written... I feel like I completely lost the overview of my argument.
What do you call the text in a book that's not part of its main content, but stuff like acknowledgements, dedication, copyright notices etc. I'm thinking Gerard Genette's "paratext" might be it - but I'm uncertain as I think paratext includes non-verbal material such as dustjacket art, etc. I need the word for the non-narrative text.
Saturday was my dad's 60th birthday hike. A group of 25-ish people hiking through the Valais eating great food and drinking/tasting loads of special wines along the way
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So, I was all gloomy today, or maybe fragile is the better term. And I could bore you with the details and the angst and all the highly attractive insecurities
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