Who: The jailhouse gang and you! (Which means Edgeworth, Sirius, Shikamaru, and, uh, I guess if Grimmjow needs some visitors, too...)
When: Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Where: The jailhouse now.
Summary: Yeah, it's an open visitation log. WHOOP DE DOOP. BRING BAKED GOODS. Which means - just tag the thread of anyone you want to visit, I suppose. No
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She's not even going to bother saying hello, instead opting to just sit opposite him, eyes glaring, but mouth turned down in disappointment. ]
No, he's not going to even consider that right now. He leans back in his chair instead, staring at the wall over her shoulder.]
What are you doing here.
To be honest, I don't know.
[There's a lot to be garnered from that confession itself, since how often is it that Franziska von Karma doesn't know something, and how often would she admit it to others?]
... I just wanted to talk to you, I suppose.
So he snorts, and looks away.]
Thought you weren't interested in talking to me.
I trusted you, you know. I wanted to.
And then you had to go pull a stunt like this.
I didn't pull anything, and it--it wasn't a stunt. It was--doing something.
[And now he does look over at her, slightly mutinous--but his eyes study her face, trying to read it--and for all of his scowling, he can't quite stop his eyes from looking... sad, maybe; sad at that announcement.]
Anyways. You still can.
[There's a short, bitter laugh.] Did Miles put you up to it?
And no, incidentally, he didn't. I volunteered. I told him I would do it, no one had to "put me up" to doing what was necessary.
... I thought he would know better, at least.
It wasn't going to.
I see you're an idealist, then.
Talk-- Talk about something else, would you.
Please. Look--I said "please", all right, I've-- [And then he catches himself and hardens his expression, his eyes narrowing.] I've done nothing but talk about bloody failing since I was put in here; that's all that anyone wants to talk about. Two seconds, can we just for two seconds talk about something else.
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