[Eleventh Twilight//Video]

Oct 29, 2010 18:59

[Someone seems giddy...if not excited. There's a slight chuckle that slips the witch before Beatrice starts to speak.]

Seeing how we've had a bunch of new arrivals to this city, I thought it a wonderful opportunity to remind everyone~ Two more days till Halloween and more importantly, my Halloween Birthday Party at the Felton Convention Center. It's going to be a fabulous party, hosted by myself and Tamaki Suou. Drinks and food are both free and remember to wear costumes and bring masks for the Midnight Masquerade~!

The most important event perhaps, is the costume contest. There'll be thirteen categories in total to enter into to win monetary prizes and the grand prize winner will have a wish of theirs granted, whatever that wish may be. Isn't that spectacular?

I don't foresee having any problems when it comes to granting your wish, so long as it's not a wish to go home. Not even my magic can manage that ahaha~!

I can't wait to see you all there~!

[ooc: Yes! That's right! Beatrice's party log is finally here! Feel free to jump right in and go crazy! Have fun everyone! Everyone is invited. Everyone.]

c: luppi antenor, c: franziska von karma, !: beatrice

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