Dog Days of Summer 2015 Comment Fest!

Jul 07, 2015 20:21

Summer time and what better time to teach an old dog a few tricks?

This is an all ratings fest and so all types of work from the lightest of G to the darkest of NC-17 is permitted.">"/>

Spread the Word!
Prompting: Please comment to this post with your prompts. Prompts can be just about anything (kink, item, season, situation, short sentence, ect.) except a pairing. In the interest of leaving the prompts open to as much interpretation as possible, pairings should be only be listed under "optional prompts." Prompts should also be kept fairly simple.

Then, if you would like to, you can add whatever other elements you'd like to the prompt such as pairing suggestions, locations, short descriptions, really just about anything goes, under optional prompts. Just remember, these elements are optional only and may or may not be included in the fill(s).

Prompt Example:
Subject Line: Prompt: Collar
Body: Prompt: Collar
Optional Prompt(s): dog house, bone, flea dip, R/S

Filling prompts: There is no minimum word count on fics, they can be drabble short or novel length(although if your story won't fit into two comments it should be posted to your journal and linked back here), and there are no restrictions on art, unrefined doodles and photos and manips are fine. You are also free to fill your own prompt. To fill a prompt simply reply to the prompt with Fill: "Title of fic/art" (Pairing(if any) [Warnings: If needed]. A prompt may be filled as many times as people want to fill it. Feel free to post your work to your own journal, just please include a link back to the comm. so the curious can come check us out and maybe hop into the pool while they're here.

Anon prompting/filling: you are free to leave both prompts and fills anonymously. The anon prompts and fills will be screened as anon comments usually are but so long as they fit the criteria of the meme they're fine and will be unscreened asap.

Warnings: Since this comment fest is open to all pairings, ratings, and themes please warn for adult content in the title of your fill. (Just add NWS to it) If there are things like character death or the like (or the usual squick suspects), you may want to warn for those, especially for the common triggery subjects. On the other side of things, please be aware that as a reader, you may run into content that you weren't expecting so proceed with caution. But having said that, fandom folk tend to be mindful of each others feelings so we're trusting that everyone here knows what to do with regard to questionable content.

Chan: As per the rules of the comm., chan for the purpose of this fest is sexual activity with characters under the age of 16 and has to be locked to members only. Please post any entries that have chan in a locked members only post on the sirius_black comm and drop a link to the fill in response to the prompt. Sorry about that, but we have no way to lock individual comments to members only.

Ratings: G to NC-17 (he can be as good or bad as you please)

But most importantly, have a good time and get Sirius into as much trouble as he can possibly handle in the days to come!

We'll keep a master list of all the fills as the meme goes along and post round ups every week on Saturday if we have enough fills to justify one.

*dog days of summer

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