Title: All’s Well (A Farce in Eight Easy Pieces)
Author: Lee West (
Rating: R
Warnings: Het and slash; too many pairings.
Challenge: Sirius shows up for his own memorial.
Author's Notes: Tons of thanks to
minnow_53 for a very thorough beta job and to
xellas for reading and understanding.
The full text of W. H. Auden’s Funeral Blues can be found
here (
All's Well (A Farce in Eight Easy Pieces) )
Comments 10
they could make plans to go to…Siberia. Or hell. Or wherever.
And then the big argument where everyone got outed...“Is that why you married me? For a child? I was nothing more than a sperm donor?”
Tonks snorted. “Obviously you weren’t even that.” ooooh, burn!
Very entertaining ^_^
Glad it worked for you. I was a little worried about playing with so many emotional characters.
I really love the use of the W.H. Auden poem, for some reason. It fits Remus' reaction to Sirius' death very well.
And the way you wrote Remus and Tonks' relationship was terribly funny; especially how she viewed the relationship. =]
I like Tonks - I just don't like her with Remus. I actually LOVE her with Kingsley. In my opinion, at least they have something in common and a reason to interact. She seemed to me the perfect example of someone on the rebound, accepting the first person who shows kindness towards her. I know it's me, but I don't sense love/chemistry at all between R/T. I respect those who do, though. It's only a matter of opinion.
Glad you liked it. :-}
Genius! <3 it!
Peace + love
I love you it. It. I meant it. You It is brilliant.
I made an Old Year Resolution - I'll try to finish Tale Seven in 2005. I needed the push you gave me.
Now, Summer II will definitely be a 2006 event. I can't stop taking in challenges. There must be something wrong with me.
♥ U 2.
Thanks for a very good review.
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