Title: Memories - the lessons of childhood, learned by heart
atlantis_z13 Rating: PGish
Characters: Sirius, Regulus, parents
Summary/Challenge: #21, Sirius's childhood before he came to Hogwarts. Sirius learned many lessons as a child in the Black house. Some of them will haunt him his whole life.
Comments: This is a bit of a writing experiment for
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Comments 12
she’ll love you more if he cries. She’ll love you more because he’s disappointing. Much later those same thoughts, flipped and switched and cutting, will come to haunt you.
That was by far my favorite part. I loved it.
Because this was an utterly marvellous read. You depict the conditionality of love in the House of Black so incredibly well that I was there right next to Sirius. I could feel his elation, his desire to please and his horror at having disappointed.
Sirius' "Companionship" with Reg so reminded me of my own take on their relationship that, for a moment, I had the impression I was reading something that I'd written myself. Strange, isn't it? (Just for reference, no. 2 in this piece is about Reg.)
It's a miracle that Sirius isn't a lot more screwed up in his adult life, because parents like that are Teh Horror. :)
Most stunning and extremely well-written; thank so much for sharing. :)
i'm glad you liked it!
now i'm curious to read your stuff since you mention we have a similar take on reg...*runs off to read*
Noticed one tiny typo: But its not like disdain - you need an apostrophe in the "it's" here. But that doesn't change the fact that I loved this story - thank you!
and i'm so happy you liked it! i'm glad the feeling of quiet got across!
"You will catch yourself year later in thoughts that they taught you. You’ll catch yourself half sneering. For some disdains, you won’t ever catch yourself. It’s hard to run away, to escape, to shake off the lessons their blood left coursing through your veins."
Yes, they left their mark in those aspects of Sirius's personality which make us all cringe just a bit: The boy who could send Snape into the Willow. The man who still says, "It was his own fault."
and its so true. sirius makes us cringe. but if he was perfect we wouldnt love him as much.
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