Title: Necessary by the Order
Chapter: 2
serade_blackPairing: Sirius/Hermione
Rating: PG-13 now....NC-17 later.
Summary: Marriage law for Sirius and Hermione!
Archived: for now at ff.net.....later, it'll be on the Restricted Section.org.
Both Chapters 1 & 2 link:
madilayn wrote in
Feb 05, 2006 17:38
This was written for the
harry_holidays community as a gift for
foreword Title: To be Loved
Author: Madilayn
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just playing with them - and they're in better condition than I got them in!
Summary: It’s hard being loved by Sirius Black.
Author Note: Set during Christmas in OotP.
To Be Loved )
fuckthedamned wrote in
Feb 02, 2006 21:58
Title: In Her Arms
Rating: R
Pairing: Sirius/Hermione
Discliamer: I don't own anything. Not even the cloaths on my back.
A/N: Wrote this while listening to Coldplay's "The Scientist", so it might help to listen to the song while reading this. You know, to really get the feel of the story with it's emotion and wholeness. I was also thinking alot
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