
Nov 11, 2010 15:13


Applications have moved.
New applicants, please apply for your characters on Dreamwidth.
Queen of Hearts will be open on Dreamwidth on January 22nd.

♡ Read the rules and FAQ before applying.
♡ You may also want to read about the setting.
♡ Check the taken list and reserves first!
♡ Please post your application as comments (however many it takes) rather than as a link.
♡ Applications will remain visible unless you specifically request that we screen them after approval.
♡ You can give your input as a player on applications currently in the queue here.
♡ Here are two sample applications, so you can get an idea of what we're looking for:
♡♡ Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games trilogy
♡♡ Fate T. Harlaown from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha

Player Information
Name: Your name, not the name of the character. Online handles are completely fine too.
Personal Journal: If you don't have one or would really rather not share it, it's okay to use a sockpuppet journal.
Contact Info: E-mail, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Plurk--whatever is the best way to contact you! Multiple contact methods are fine, too.
Other Characters: Anyone else you currently have in-game. If you currently have no characters here, you can mark this space as not applicable.

Character Information
Name: Easy enough!
Source Canon: What is she from? If there are different versions of a canon, make sure to specify which one you're using.
Age: Let us know if there's any discrepancy between her physical, mental, and psychological age, too.
Role In Canon: Is she the main character? A minor acquaintance of the main character? A lesser antagonist? Give us some idea here. How much we expect in the personality section will depend in part on how major a character we're talking about: the main character will usually be expected to have more personality than a comic relief villain, for example. The most personality of all will be expected for canon OCs (see the application section of the FAQ for details).
History: We will accept links from Wikipedia or another source, provided that it explains a decent amount about your character's history. If you are unable to find a decent link, you may write it out. There is no word or paragraph minimum to this section, but we please ask that you write enough for us to get an idea of where your character is coming from in case we don't know the canon. If you're linking to another source, please specify at what point in canon your character is coming from. Note that links alone will not be considered enough for canon OCs, as we want to see as much thought as possible put into how they fit into the world of their canon.

Personality: This is one of the two main parts of your application, so the more detailed, the better! For most characters, we're looking for four paragraphs (not necessarily too long each) at the minimum, but you're free to write as much as you want! The more you explain, the easier it is for us to understand your grasp on the character. If you can describe everything about her completely in three paragraphs, though, don't worry about it, especially if you're applying for a relatively minor character. Remember that while quantity is nice, quality is more important. A lengthy personality section will not be a plus if it's also incoherent, repetitive, inconsistent, or contradictory, so focus on conveying your meaning as much as on being thorough. We want to see that you have an understanding of what makes your character tick, so try to give us something more than just a listing of traits or a summary of her appearances in canon. Tell us about the motivations and reasoning that make your character who she is.

Abilities: Can your character read minds? Can she use magic? Can she do anything a normal human can't? Say so here! Remember that powers that can be used to godmode other characters will require a permissions post (and therefore only work sporadically) and that powers that could be used to escape the Gardens will not work.

Sample: Please write a first-person sample post as if your character is already in-game and making a post to the Vine. It may be audio, video, or text. You may also link to any past RP you have done with the character, whether in another game, a musebox, a dressing room, dear_mun, a long thread on a meme (so long as it's serious enough to give us a good idea of your character's voice), or anywhere else. In particular, testrun_box is available for this purpose. If you link to a sample from elsewhere, please make sure to submit at least part of your application from the account you used in that post or thread. Remember, if you're applying for a female AU of a male character, the sample needs to come from the female version. This section, along with personality, is the heart of the application. We don't care how you go about doing it, but we want to see that you have a consistent voice for this character. The more you give us here, the more likely we are to be able to determine that. For that reason, multiple links, samples, or a combination of both are very much welcomed, especially for characters who don't talk much in canon. If you feel you can display voice with just one link or sample, though, that's fine, too!

To apply, copy the text below, fill it out, and paste it into a comment or multiple comments in this post. Let us know in the subject if you've reserved. If your application is multiple comments, make sure it's all one thread, with all comments after the first one entered as replies to the first.

Player Information
Personal Journal:
Contact Info:
Other Characters:

Character Information
Source Canon:
Role In Canon:




female au application.
If you're applying for an AU female version of a canonically male character, the application is slightly different. It includes the following fields:

Justification: Why do you want to play this particular canonically male character as female in the setting of queenofheartsrp? We want you to give it some thought. This section isn't meant to push away players who prefer male characters, but rather as a reminder that Queen of Hearts is meant as a girls' love game and not simply a genderswap game. Don't worry, we're not looking for an essay here. We just want to see some reasoning that shows you have a genuine interest in a female version of this character and the changes (great or small) that would entail. If you can't think of anything for this section, that may be a sign that you should be applying for someone else.
Changes: While you may still link to an outside source for history (provided there exists one and you aren't applying for a canon OC), you'll also need to fill out this section describing how growing up and living as a woman has made your character's life different than it was in canon. Some characters will have barely any differences; for others, the changes will be radical. Please put careful thought into this section.

Fill out the following form as indicated above.

Player Information
Personal Journal:
Contact Info:
Other Characters:

Character Information
Source Canon:
Role In Canon:




oc application.
If you're applying for an original character, again, there are a few changes. There's an additional section asking for a description of the setting she comes from, and we'd like extra attention paid to her background and her abilities.

Fill out the following form as indicated above.

Player Information
Personal Journal:
Contact Info:
Other Characters:

Character Information




Please use the format provided. We understand that you might like to include extra information or phrase a section differently, but in the interests of fairness and organization, you'll need to save that sort of thing for information posts elsewhere. We can only approve an application if it's submitted to us in the proper format.

When the moderators respond to your application, you will get one of three replies:
1. ACCEPTED. You're in; follow the directions given to start playing!
2. REVISION REQUESTED. We like your application, or at least parts of it, but notice some errors, inconsistencies, or gaps that need to be fixed or filled in. Respond to the comment with your revisions within 48 hours and we'll reevaluate your application.
3. REJECTED. Your application doesn't meet the appropriate standards and will require more serious revision or a complete overhaul to do so. We will always give a reason for this so that you have all the information you need to decide whether to try again, apply for a different character, or opt out of the game.

♕ links.


♡ taken characters A-M N-Z
reserved characters
wanted characters
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# application, ! game info

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